Philippines. A country that stunned me, blew me away and definitely stole my heart. After two months of travelling I still only saw a fraction of this amazing archipelago consisting of over 7000 islands.
We travelled with a polaroid camera, pencils and note books. It gave us the opportunity to engage and interact with the people that travels path.
Before travelling to the Philippines, we had an idea to find a deserted island to camp on for a few days. When we found it it was absolutely amazing. Nothing better than cruising round a volcanic island paradise for a beach to call our own.
February 2012, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia. I travelled to Bali for a short holiday. Spent most of my time of a surfboard. When not in the water, we spent time on Kuta beach or ventured out into different parts of the city. One day we visited a pet market as our local friend Michelle wanted to buy a bird. I was not sure what to think of it. My western attitude wanted to take all the animals and free them from their cages. But then, whom am I to judge another culture? On the last few days of our stay we traveled up into the hills, to Ubud.
Back in Fremantle after traveling. As much as I love roaming this awesome world, I am pretty happy to be home. And back into wedding season! I look forward to it, its gonna be an awesome year.
Will blog my Philippines adventures as soon as I get my film back from the lab YAY. For now, a shot from my muster adventure in the Pilbara, WA, last year July 2011. See more images here
Dearest people, I am going travelling overseas for a few weeks. Very excited! my phone has no reception, but I will be checking emails about once a week.
I decided to take my aswesome old shool film SLR camera and leave my digital baby at home. I will be blogging when back!
Take care xx
Hi guys,
I am off on holidays to Bali (YAY) starting today and returing to Perth the 14th of February. I have limited access to internet and no mobile phone. I appreciate your patience in awaiting a personal reply would you contact me in the time I am away. Thanks so much! Nic
Welcome back!! Looks like you had an amazing trip – can’t wait to see the rest of your photos xx