Mexico. I always wanted to go but was deadset on learning spanish first, then go. Next thing you know years have gone past. I am happy to say I got over my ‘ I have to learn spanish first’ and just went. ‘ spanish for dummies’ pocket books really do work and there are always kids around if you want to practise your pronunciation. My trip.. I flew into Oaxaca city, capital of Oaxaca region, south west Mexico. It was the midst of festive season what me and my Nikon film camera very very very much liked. From Oaxaca city I travelled down to the coast where I spent my time hanging out on surf beaches, braving the Mexican waves on my longboard. I was paddling out one morning and got chatting to ‘grandpa’ as he is known in the local surf community. He showed me how to surf the left hander point break at its best and asked me where I was going from here. I said to him I wanted to go somewhere where I could sleep in a hammock on the beach, surf a great right hander, eat fresh fish and as a final touch- have little to no people around. I was kinda more describing an ideal then really thinking I would find such place anno 2014. But ‘grandpa’ knew the spot I should go…. So off I went. It was not far, but it was tricky to get there. I got on a bus, another bus, a taxi bus, a taxi, a taxi boat, another shared transport vehicle and yes, found paradise and beautiful people along the way. Thank you ‘grandpa’ you made my trip!